Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mumbai Real Estate - Wealth, Glamour, Business

Mumbai is getting more and more cramped by the day as almost 350 poor families get there each day to look for work. Despite congested traffic, short of housing, poor water supply and an unreliable power system, Mumbai real estate prices continue to hit high. As a result, Mumbai property is scoring a high on space that is increasingly in high demand.
Mumbai is rightly called the commercial and business capital of India as forty percent of India's taxes come from Mumbai alone. A hot favorite with the NRI citizens, Mumbai is undoubtedly one of the most preferred destinations in India for real estate investments.
Buying apartments in Mumbai is always considered a big asset that will always earn rich profits as Mumbai property values are at par with most of the advanced and developed cities of the world. Also, major financial institutions, banks and stock exchanges and the head quarters and administrative offices of major business houses add to real estate glory in Mumbai.

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